Loughton Cheder offers an outstanding program that will give your child a solid foundation in the fundamentals of Judaism and will instill in your child the faith, beauty, and values of our heritage.
All lessons will be taught in a manner that will give the children a great appreciation of our rich Jewish heritage. Role-playing, arts & crafts and songs will be incorporated to make the lessons more enjoyable.
We plan special programs during the year, such as Chanukah Wonderland, Purim Party, Passover Experience, and Shabbat Experience. We also feature ongoing activities throughout the year to develop and maintain strong participation and enthusiasm from our students.
We believe that the joy and pride in Judaism that will be experienced at Loughton Cheder will make an indelible impression upon the children.
Aleph Champ & Hebrew Language
Our Hebrew reading curriculum is the latest educational breakthrough around. Based on the martial arts motivational philosophy of colour-coded levels and testing, it provides excitement and inspiration, leading the students into a winning cycle of learning. The Hebrew Alphabet as well as the vowels and word formations are divided into 10 coloured levels. The students start out as “White Aleph Champs,” working their way up the colours of the rainbow to be a “Black Aleph Champ” like their teachers. Games, reading partners, and Awards make every step along this remarkable journey a fun and educational success.
Hebrew vocabulary is also a basic part of the program – students will learn Hebrew words related to Jewish themes.